Phil & Teds

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good Beginings of the Upper Valley

Having a new baby presents all kids of new challenges in the first few weeks home. Good Beginnings of the Upper Valley helps ease the transition for moms and babies. Good Beginnings offers the kind of "help your neighbor" that the Upper Valley is famous for, there message is simple and powerful, they "lend a helping hand" when needed. The program matches trained volunteers with families with a new babies during the babies first three months. Volunteers go to the families home once a week and offer help with whatever is needed.

Support provided often includes:
*Offering encouragement
*Providing basic infant and child care
*Answering questions
*Reading to babies and children
*Providing transportation
*Supporting pregnant women on bedrest
*Connecting to community resources

Most importantly, Good Beginnings provides a friend during this special time.

This amazing program is open to every family in the Upper Valley with a new baby! With hospital stays shorter, family not always close in location to lend a hand, this program aims to help fill in the gaps and support new families. If you would like help contact your local office.

The volunteers are made up of woman of all ages and all walks of life who can relate to the amazing and overwhelming experience of having a new baby. Many volunteers hold jobs and help new moms on their off time. Interested in volunteering and helping other moms, contact them today!

Good Beginnings has locations in:
Upper Valley (Lebanon) 603.298.9524
Sullivan County 603.542.1848
Central Vermont (Northfield) 802.485.8430
Bradford 802.222.5787

The offices provide services to surrounding towns, so you do not need to live in the town the office is located in to receive or provide support.

How was your first 12 weeks? Share your "been there done that" tips for new moms

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